In the \QQ40\Images directory you will find the images used by Quick Quote.
The image file that displays the company info on top of the quote and price sheet forms is named "Company.png".
When replacing this file with your own company info it is best if you keep the image dimensions at 7 inches wide by 1 inch tall. The resolution is not as important as the size although a higher resolution image will display a cleaner look.
Below is the default image that comes with Quick Quote. It is 7 inches by 1 inch even though you cannot see the white space.
To create a new Company.png file in Corel, do the following. You can use any graphics program you like as long as you can save the file as a .png and the image size is 7" x1".
With the rectangle tool create a 7"x 1" rectangle. Set the fill to White.
Insert your logo images and any text into the rectangle. Remove the outline from the rectangle.
The blue background is just to allow you to see the white rectangle and is not part of the exported image.
Export the file out as a PNG file named "Company.png". Make sure you have checked "Maintain Size"
Replace the default Company.png file in the \QQ40\images directory with your new file.
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